Introducing the Fourth Generation of MagiDrawer: 550 Days of Craftsmanship Defining the Art of Storage!

The term “storage” refers to more than just increasing space and stacking items. COOKTIME’s storage concept has always been distinct from the traditional “cabinets + drawers” puzzle approach. Instead, it focuses on systematic storage solutions tailored to each actual kitchen scenario. The MagiDrawer series is a "new species" created based on user needs.

Innovation stems from insight. In 2015, COOKTIME introduced the first generation of the MagiDrawer, created with careful consideration of kitchen life scenarios. After years of updates and iterations, the fourth generation of the MagiDrawer series emerges in 2024. This new version integrates cutting-edge technology and storage concepts, refining and upgrading quality, design, and functionality. It aims to provide an unprecedented kitchen storage experience for those who love life, giving space “intelligence” and enabling real interaction between people and their environment in everyday living.

Quality: Meticulously Crafted for Excellence

  • The frame is made from 6-series aluminum, which offers excellent strength and corrosion resistance, with a warm and comfortable touch.
  • The side panels are made from HPL (High-Pressure Laminate) with outstanding weather resistance, moisture resistance, wear resistance, and easy-to-clean properties.
  • Equipped with German Hettich V6 YOU rails for quiet opening and closing, ensuring smooth sliding over 80,000 cycles, with a strong load-bearing capacity of 30 kg.
  • Moisture-proof and anti-slip mats feature a new diamond pattern for better adhesion without curling; made of PEVA material, which is antibacterial and waterproof.

Design: Modern Chinese Aesthetics, Quality Home Furnishing

∞ symbolizes 'infinity' — connected, layered, and extended, representing the limitless storage potential within a compact space. The new light-toned milk coffee color scheme provides a soft and light visual effect, suitable for various home styles.
It creates a unique visual appeal in any corner, adding a touch of elegance and passion to everyday life.

Function: Space Magic, Versatile Storage

  • 27 modular specifications that can be freely selected and combined; easy to disassemble and clean.
  • Adjustable dividers for flexible space management, keeping items organized and offering diverse storage options for various usage scenarios.
  • Designed for maximum space utilization, overcoming obstacles to create a personalized storage solution.


Nowadays, with the acceleration of people's lifestyles and the increasing diversity in how they live, there is a growing emphasis on personal experience, even as material needs are being met. In the minds of Chinese people, the kitchen has always embodied the warmth and relaxation of home. This specific space within the home is no longer an isolated island for a single user but is increasingly becoming a new emotional and social center.

Products serve as carriers of tangible scenes, and every breakthrough and transformation of COOKTIME’s 'MagiDrawer' is, without exception, based on decades of consistent observation of users and insight into life. The fourth-generation MagiDrawer series has undergone comprehensive upgrades in quality, design, and functionality, creating a visually pleasing kitchen space and providing a comfortable storage experience. This fosters an emotional connection between people and space, bringing a greater sense of order, ritual, and happiness to life.

  • What is Zero-Cost Operation?


    什麼是零成本營運? COOKTIME為何選擇高租金地點開設實體店? 這次我們造訪的是位於南京E-PARK購物中心的專賣店。購物中心總面積13萬平方米,是集商業、文化、娛樂於一體的繁華商業區。這裡是南京年輕人最喜歡的聚集地之一。 COOKTIME店地理位置優越,位於商場最大的高級超市山姆會員店入口處。地理位置優越,即使在正常工作日,購物者也源源不絕。 店長石女士是一位年輕有為的職場人士。三年前,她加入 COOKTIME與另一家合作夥伴在南京最大的建材市場開設了一家店。在與我們合作的三年時間裡COOKTIME ,總部為他們的團隊提供了客戶資源和業務培訓。同時,石女士致力於提供卓越的客戶服務,為她贏得了眾多客戶的正面評價,從而獲得了許多客戶的推薦和口碑推薦。於是,她找到了自己的職業道路,決定在商業廣場獨立開店。 基於零成本營運的理念,總部選址在山姆會員店旁。 E-PARK購物中心儘管租金成本較高。我們預計這裡的人流量無疑可以涵蓋租金費用。店面裝潢歷時三個月,與山姆會員店同期開幕。在總部回訪期間,當被問及對這次新創業的感受以及對總部選擇高租金地點的想法時,她是這樣回答的: 「目前,實體店經營得非常好,每天的客流量都很大。很多人在選擇實體店選址時,常常會在租金和地點之間猶豫不決。他們常常錯誤地認為,選擇租金低的地點就可以了。」降低成本,但現實卻恰恰相反,除了線上客流量,線下客流量也同樣重要,在租金成本高的商場裡,必然會吸引大量的訪客和顧客,增加交易的機會,從而,覆蓋租金成本。這就是我們所說的零成本運營。”


    什麼是零成本營運? COOKTIME為何選擇高租金地點開設實體店? 這次我們造訪的是位於南京E-PARK購物中心的專賣店。購物中心總面積13萬平方米,是集商業、文化、娛樂於一體的繁華商業區。這裡是南京年輕人最喜歡的聚集地之一。 COOKTIME店地理位置優越,位於商場最大的高級超市山姆會員店入口處。地理位置優越,即使在正常工作日,購物者也源源不絕。 店長石女士是一位年輕有為的職場人士。三年前,她加入 COOKTIME與另一家合作夥伴在南京最大的建材市場開設了一家店。在與我們合作的三年時間裡COOKTIME ,總部為他們的團隊提供了客戶資源和業務培訓。同時,石女士致力於提供卓越的客戶服務,為她贏得了眾多客戶的正面評價,從而獲得了許多客戶的推薦和口碑推薦。於是,她找到了自己的職業道路,決定在商業廣場獨立開店。 基於零成本營運的理念,總部選址在山姆會員店旁。 E-PARK購物中心儘管租金成本較高。我們預計這裡的人流量無疑可以涵蓋租金費用。店面裝潢歷時三個月,與山姆會員店同期開幕。在總部回訪期間,當被問及對這次新創業的感受以及對總部選擇高租金地點的想法時,她是這樣回答的: 「目前,實體店經營得非常好,每天的客流量都很大。很多人在選擇實體店選址時,常常會在租金和地點之間猶豫不決。他們常常錯誤地認為,選擇租金低的地點就可以了。」降低成本,但現實卻恰恰相反,除了線上客流量,線下客流量也同樣重要,在租金成本高的商場裡,必然會吸引大量的訪客和顧客,增加交易的機會,從而,覆蓋租金成本。這就是我們所說的零成本運營。”

  • Experience The charm Of Our Store in Nanjing


    今天,我們參觀了位於江蘇省南京市建東區龍湖天街商業廣場的COOKTIME零售店。即使是星期四下午3點,商場裡也擠滿了人,尤其是帶著孩子外出的家長。商店位於二樓,位置優越,從自動扶梯上就可以輕鬆看到。 這次訪問,我們有幸與帶我們參觀商店的商店經理交談。在這裡,你可以體驗到一切COOKTIME的產品,並親身感受其品質和儲存能力。此外,商店經理自豪地展示了一面充滿轉型案例研究的牆,展示了他們為客戶提供的優秀廚房儲存解決方案的照片。這不僅突顯了他們團隊的豐富經驗,而且還與來自同一社區的遊客建立了牢固的聯繫。 當我們詢問兩者之間的差異時 COOKTIME等硬體品牌,店長回覆:「 COOKTIME脫穎而出不僅因為其卓越的產品,還因為我們致力於為客戶提供全面的廚房儲存解決方案和卓越的服務。擁有數百萬廚房改造專案經驗累積的服務團隊, COOKTIME設備齊全,可解決不同複雜程度的各種廚房儲存挑戰。這是哪裡COOKTIME與其他硬體品牌不同。” 最後, COOKTIME總部對南京店的成功開幕表示衷心祝賀!


    今天,我們參觀了位於江蘇省南京市建東區龍湖天街商業廣場的COOKTIME零售店。即使是星期四下午3點,商場裡也擠滿了人,尤其是帶著孩子外出的家長。商店位於二樓,位置優越,從自動扶梯上就可以輕鬆看到。 這次訪問,我們有幸與帶我們參觀商店的商店經理交談。在這裡,你可以體驗到一切COOKTIME的產品,並親身感受其品質和儲存能力。此外,商店經理自豪地展示了一面充滿轉型案例研究的牆,展示了他們為客戶提供的優秀廚房儲存解決方案的照片。這不僅突顯了他們團隊的豐富經驗,而且還與來自同一社區的遊客建立了牢固的聯繫。 當我們詢問兩者之間的差異時 COOKTIME等硬體品牌,店長回覆:「 COOKTIME脫穎而出不僅因為其卓越的產品,還因為我們致力於為客戶提供全面的廚房儲存解決方案和卓越的服務。擁有數百萬廚房改造專案經驗累積的服務團隊, COOKTIME設備齊全,可解決不同複雜程度的各種廚房儲存挑戰。這是哪裡COOKTIME與其他硬體品牌不同。” 最後, COOKTIME總部對南京店的成功開幕表示衷心祝賀!

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